Scientific findings
If you're new to my blog, I'm doing a project to learn about lofi hip-hop, and
I'm writing a blog to document the progress. If you haven't, I strongly
recommend you check out the first blog to this series. It will give you more
context to this blog and all future blogs written by me.
Since my last post,
I've started to collect some more sources, and I did some research on some
different scientific techniques relating to lofi. There are lots of different
fancy words and technical terms people use to describe sounds that occur, and I
want to get a solid understanding of what they all mean. Some of the terms I've
come across so far are: Salient events, amplitude modulations, low fidelity,
pavolian effect and a high-frequency blanket. I don't want to get too in-depth
about what all of these mean in this blog, but I definately plan to explain all
of these in my final product.
Something I want to know is whether or not lofi
producers keep these scientific terms things in mind while they're creating the
music, or if they just play it solely by ear. I hope to soon reach out to some
of my favorite lofi artists and ask them about their writing processes, and
whether or not they're concious about these scientific techniques. During my
research, another question I got was how much of the science is just cold hard
science vs emotional response. An article I was reading by
Tim Seppala
talks about an artificial intelligence that
can rate how good music is for concentration based off of science, and it didn't
think lofi was very good. It said the drums were too distracting and brought you
out of focus. I disagree with the robot on this one becuase to me, lofi is all
about the emotion it evokes and the nostalgia it brings. Lofi hip-hop calls out
to me the most when it has a nostalgic jazzy chord progression, and a calming
sound effect like rain playing in the background.
I think that I'm on a good
track so far with the amount of information I've gathered and the plan I have
going forward. For my next steps, I want to reach out to some lofi hip-hop
artists that I listen to and ask them about their writing process, and whether
or not they keep the scientific techniques in mind while producing or not. I
also want to run an expiriment to see how listening to lofi hip-hop affects my
concentration. I don't have an exact plan for the expiriment yet, but I have
some ideas. Gonna get back to researching now, see you next week!
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